The Art of Nude Photography - Taking Good Female Forms

By Tobias Sterling

It is highly generalized that the female form is more beautiful to look at than a males. The most common reasons cited for this opinion include the fact that a woman's body features curves while a man's body is more muscular. In addition, the male body is usually perceived as more 'functional'. If you combine these opinions with the fact that throughout history most artists have been male, you can plainly see the reason for female nude photography in art rather than male.

But what makes a good nude female photograph? There are three main principles.

1 - It should be an interesting photo to view

Nude photography is synonymous with that branch of photography known as fine art. Fine art photography can be defined as photography created for no other purpose than because it is interesting to look at. As such, nude female photography is about presenting the female form in a way that is interesting. In order to make an interesting image, nude female photography tends to favor black-and-white images that are full of light, shadow, shape, and contrast. They are usually carefully composed and lit in order to achieve this.

2 - It should be anonymous

Nude photography is not about the person in the photo. It is primarily about showcasing the female form. Therefore, in most nude photography the face is generally hidden. This is different from portrait photography as its main goal is to feature the person or display their personality. Nude photography utilizes the body as a general category, the category of "women's bodies."

3 - It should be non-sexual

Nude photography is an art form as it depicts the female form in interesting views for people to ponder upon the beauty of nature. There is a difference between nude photography and erotic photography with the latter having a purpose of titillating or arousing the viewer. While the difference between the two may be small, it is the intent of the photo that must be considered.

Given that what is non-sexual to one person might be sexual to another, it is of course impossible for a photographer to know whether their intent to produce a nude photograph rather than an erotic one will be recognized by the audience. For this reason, at least in Western countries, certain conventions (such as leaving the genital region in dark shadow) are followed to provide an indication of the intent behind the photograph. - 30452

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Pre-Bridal Photography Ideas

By Johnny Wong

Talk with your friends and ask them if weddings can be stressful. They will surely have a lot of stories to tell you.

Your once-in-a-life-time special day should be stress free. But if you want to experience this then you will need to plan very well. There is always so much to do on your actual wedding day so planning will make it flow better.

You will be run off your feet on your wedding day no matter how well you plan your day. But the better you plan then the better your experience will be.

All the stress can be totally lessened as long as you plan well and get lots of support from your family and friends and your bridal professionals.

Around ten years ago pre-wedding photography came into its own in Singapore as a way to have a more enjoyable actual wedding day. Today it is very popular. With Singapore having a lot of traditional Asian style weddings doing a lot of the main photography before the wedding is often essential. Traditional weddings are involving and detailed and involve usually a large number of people. Getting the main photos done ahead of time is essential.

Smart photographers started offering pre-wedding packages so that all the stress could be taken out of the actual day. So with pre-wedding photography there was no longer any need to rush around to get all the pictures taken. It also removed the risk of the special day pics being totally destroyed by bad weather as well.

Pre wedding packages vary from photographer to photographer so you will have to shop around. Most packages will include outdoor as well as studio shots. Getting a variety of shots will guarantee an interesting album. Ask your photographer what is included in their packages.

As well as making sure you get a great set of photos for your album, pre-wedding photos mean that you have something special to show at your actual wedding to your guests, which is always nice.

Like all good ideas, pre-wedding photography has caught on around the world. It may not be called pre-wedding photography but the idea still exists. Just ask your professional bridal photographer about including this option when they give you a price. - 30452

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Why Is the Quality of My Photographs So Bad At Night?

By Tobias Sterling

Many keen camera users have a compact, sophisticated point-and shoot camera which is used for most if not all of their photography needs. Most of these cameras are from manufacturers such as Canon, Sony or Samsung. It the camera is fairly new, it probably features a high megapixel count and a host of other fabulous technical features, not to mention its probably sleek and sexy too.

With all this technology at your disposal, you may well be puzzled and disappointed when you try to take a photo in low light conditions, like at night or indoors away from windows. You may have found that photos you take at night come out either blurry, horribly washed out by the flash, grainy/noisy, lacking in color, or all of the above.

The reason for this? Every camera is equipped with the capability to take quality, clear and concise photographs. However, it is extremely difficult for a camera to approximate what you actually see in poor lighting. The main reason for this problem is that a cameras shutter must stay open longer in order to expose the sensor to enough light to take the photograph. In addition, it is almost nearly impossible to hold a camera steady using only your hands. So, what are your options? Well, you could try utilizing the flash on the camera; however this tends to give an unnatural quality to your photos as well as giving the people in the photo an ugly complexion. You can also try using ISO; however, this feature has its own set of problematic tendencies.

So this is the problem...but what is the solution? Here are a couple of tips to improve your low-light photography:

1) When you purchase a camera, ensure it is equipped with an 'optical image stabilization' feature. This technology refers to a sensor inside the camera that will compensate for any movement from the person holding the camera and correct it to make sure you have a quality photo.

2) Try turning off the flash and asking your subjects to remain very still. Have your subjects move nearer to you in low-light or simply play around with your cameras Night Mode setting in the menu. It is important to remember that in Night ode, you must remain very still.

3) If you are taking a photo of something thats not moving (a building for example), turn the flash off and brace the camera against something. A little table-top tripod is perfect for this (and small enough to carry around everywhere you go), but in a pinch you could use anything " the crook of a tree, a table, or a lamppost with a flat side (hold the camera firmly against it in the portrait position). Now your photo wont be affected by camera shake and you can snap away. - 30452

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How to Take Great Photos in Low light Using Your Pink Digital Camera

By Corwin Graves

Becoming good at taking photographs doesn't happen overnight; it's a gradual process that requires a great deal of practice, and it requires that you ask a lot of questions. One of the most common questions that many photographers have is how to take better photos in low light situations? They often think that there is one particular camera that will allow them to capture spectacular low-light photos, though this isn't necessarily the case. It's understandable that people become frustrated when their camera hunts to gain focus in low light situations only to product an image that is ultimately undesirable. Regardless of the type of camera you own, there a few tips that can turn blurry and/or dark photos into clear and crisp shots that you will be proud of.

The large majority of people reading this article that already own a point-and-shoot style camera won't necessarily be interested in making the leap to the DLSR camera. Therefore, the focus of this article will be to offer some simple, cost effective suggestions that will help you to improve your low light photography. Before exploring some of these options, however, it's important to understand why many cameras suffer when it comes to capturing photos under low light conditions.

In order to capture an image on film or on digital media, a camera must first call for the lens to open in order to record a sufficient amount of visual data. Under low light conditions, the lens must stay open for a considerable amount of time to capture the same data that would otherwise be captured quickly under ambient light conditions. The two most important aspects when taking photos under low light conditions are to keep the camera still and to provide sufficient lighting from a natural or artificial source.

The most obvious answer is to invest in a tripod or other device to keep your pink digital camera in a fixed position during an exposure. Once your camera has been placed on a non-movable device, it's much less likely to be moved by your hands or from light winds. There are tripods available for nearly every camera type and many can be purchased for under $50.00. For those looking for something lighter or more portable there are several different options available, though these typically demand a higher price.

Apart from using a tripod to hold the camera still, another option for improving your low light photography is to increase the amount of available light through the use of your camera's internal flash. Although most point-and-shoot cameras weren't designed to light up a large room with their flash units, they are capable of providing sufficient light to illuminate the main subject of a photo in most cases. It is worth mentioning that a flash is not the best solution in all cases, and should never be used under very dark conditions. The reason being is that the flash will likely overexpose the main subject in the foreground and will underexpose the background. Small camera flashes in particular are not good at dealing with these extreme circumstances.

Obviously, an upgrade to a larger flash unit or to a DLSR that has the ability to interchange more capable lenses is another option, though this can be a much more expensive route to go. Regardless of the direction you intend to go with your photography, the tools and tips mentioned above will help you to improve your shots under low light conditions. - 30452

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The Advantages to Paper Photo Frames

By James Sunder

Paper photo frames are one of the most popular choices nowadays for displaying pictures. These types of frames have a few differences from traditional frames, and many of which are really advantages. It is really no surprise why several people are deciding to use paper frames nowadays.

Advantages of Paper Photo Frames

You can find a wide selection of paper photo frames on the market - and just might find that owning a paper photo frame has many benefits as opposed to wood or metal frames.

1. Paper photo frames are fairly cheap. Paper photo frames are made of one of the world's most inexpensive products - paper. This means that finding good looking frames that fit within your budget is easy if you are looking for a paper frame.

2. Paper photo frames are durable. Unlike wooden frames that can get cracked, glass frames that can shatter, and metal frames that can rust, paper photo frames are long-lasting and hard to damage - which makes them a great choice for kid's rooms, dorm rooms, the office - just about anywhere that a frame has a chance of being mistreated or handled frequently.

3. Paper photo frames are good for the environment. While a paper photo frame will last for many, many years, if you choose to get rid of it in the future you will have the satisfaction of knowing that it will decay quickly in a landfill, unlike plastic frames that can take up to a thousand years to decompose. This makes paper photo frames the green choice when it comes to selecting the right frame for you.

Uniqueness of Paper Photo Frames

Unlike the classic cookie cutter frames that you normally think of when searching for the perfect frame - paper photo frames are a unique choice. Several people are hesitant to use a paper photo frame because they fear the frame will be flimsy and less than attractive. On the contrary, paper photo frames are made with exotic papers like mulberry, batik and others that are from renewable and recycled materials.

China and Indonesia are big exporters of paper photo frames, and most of them are crafted using a thousand year old paper milling technique that uses materials from trees such as flowers, bark, and leaves. You can also find attractive paper photo albums made in the same method at many retail shops that offer paper photo frames. - 30452

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For Easy Photos And Videos Get A Canon Powershot SX200 And You Have It Made.

By Randy Mortizio

The Canon Powreshot line of cameras give you quality and ease of use. These are the highest rated cameras by both professionals and amateurs. They are smart enough to help with many photography problems.

The Smart Auto mode can allow you to just point at your subject and shoot. You can select several pre-programed modes for taking action shots: Beach, Snow, Portrait and even low-light night shots. You set the shot and click away. How simple.

If you want to set all controls by hand to get special effects, just set manual and you can take shoot away. Either way you want it, you have one of the best, most affordable Cameras on the market.

There are many models to choose from, varying in color, options and prices and all are super deals. All you have to do is find the model that is right for you. Here we have selected a short review of the Canon Powershot SX200.

Canon Powershot SX200 digital camera.

Even though it has a small frame, the SX200 digital camera has 12.1 megapixels providing greatly detailed pictures with stunning colors. With this high resulation, you get brilliant details from objects that are in the distance. This high resolution makes enlargements and cropping of your pictures easy because there is so much raw data to work with. Pictures you take are always clean, clear and crisp using Canon's optical image stabilizer. This system make hand shaking a thing of the past, removing blurring from your pictures.

With it's optical zoom at 12X, the SX200 can take perfect long distance pictures and can let you get great cloes shots with out having to get right up next to your subjects. This camera comes equipped with Canon's unique face detection technology that can see a face in a crowd and focus on that particular spot, giving you tight focusing on the face for amazingly clear group shots. It can even identify someone in the picture with their eyes closed and alert you to this before you take the shot. How cool is that?

Sharing and viewing your precious pictures and videos is made easy with the camera's 3 inch LCD screen. Night photography with the SX200 is as easy as daylight photography. The automatic selection of night mode changes the display to accomidate low light levels and viewing. It is more sensitive than the human eye. The batteries of the Canon Powershot SX200 are enhanced with DIGIC4 technology allowing them to carry a charge far longer than most batteries. These special features help make it on of the most popular cameras around the world.

So, if you are buying a new digital camera for serious photography or just want to shoot pictures for fun and enjoyment, get a Canon Powershot SX200 digital camera. You will be able to do both and for a price that will be way less than other leading brands. You can review digital cameras online and buy Canon cameras at many web sites. Just read reviews and compare before you buy. - 30452

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File Formats For Photoshop - PSD? JPEG? GIF?

By Jeanene Fisher

As you have become more familiar with Adobe Photoshop, have you noticed that the program allows you to save your images in several different formats or types of files?

Having a working knowledge and understanding of the different file formats is essential if you want to make the most of your photo projects.

Although there are several types of image files within Photoshop, these three are used most often.

PSD: This is the most important file format for digital photo editing. A PSD file is a Photoshop file format. There are two main reasons for using PSD when working on your digital photos. To begin with, PSD files allow you to work in layers and channels. This saves your work without compressing the layers. This does result in a large file size. Secondly, PSD files do not lose their image quality as you work on them. Since there is no compression when the file is saved, there is no lost data. Save your work as a PSD file until you are finished editing your image. Then you can save it in a more appropriate file for each particular project.

JPEG: JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. This is one of the most common and well-known file formats. Because JPEG files are compressed, the size of the file is smaller. However, with compression, JPEG images will lose data each time you change the file and then resave it. But JPEG files work will on the Web and have a variety of applications.

A popular file used for applications on the Web and Internet is the GIF file, or Graphic Interchange Format. GIF files are typically small in size so that they can load more quickly in Internet browsers. The number of colors in a GIF File is limited to 256.

More file formats than we have listed do exist. They are not generally used very much and are not good for Internet use.

For your use, it will be best to save your projects in a PSD file until you are finished editing them. Then, save them in a JPEG or GIF file to save space. - 30452

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The World's Hottest Hot Honeymoon Destinations

By Randolph Quan

Looking for a sexy slip-away spot to celebrate your recent nuptials? These places aren't only high in temperature, they're some of the hottest places in the world to make a getaway, according to the Travel Channel.

Starting off the list, they say is Four Seasons Resort Hualalai on the Big Island of Hawaii. Apparently the first-floor rooms have a private outdoor shower - that's pretty hot. The Ultimate Honeymoon Package offered by the resort gives you use of a rental car, one private dinner on the beach and daily breakfast.

Also making the top 10 list is the Hyatt Regency Aruba Beach Resort & Casino in Palm Beach, Aruba. They say the Copacabana Casino recreates the feeling of Rio at Carnival time, which is great for those who like to have a little fun, and the beaches are the idyllic atmosphere for lounging together.

Following on the list of hot honeymoon destinations is Bora Bora Lagoon Resort in Bora Bora, French Polynesia. This location is coveted for its super-private bungalows that are perched on stilts over the crystal-clear waters. For the ultimate in luxury, couples can escape to a private island for their very own BBQ prepared by a personal chef.

Next on the list are locations in Caneel Bay in St. John and the Grand Hotel in Florence, Italy, but let's skip over those to discuss Amankila in Mangiss, Bali, Indonesia. The Travel Channel rates this as fifth on its list because of its views, culture and the fact that you can book a suite with your own private pool. How's that for romance?

Following Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise in Canada, the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, holds the number two spot. Not only does Las Vegas offer the desert heat most of the year, but it's "sin city" for a reason - there's plenty of hot nightclubs and scandalous activities to celebrate your new marriage.

Rounding out the list, the number one hot honeymoon destination according to the Travel Channel is Camino Real Acapulco Diamante in Mexico. So what makes this worthy of the number one hot honeymoon destination? The nightlife in Acapulco combined with the ideal temperature, which hovers in the 80s year-round. Newlywed couples are sure to find this location to be as hot as they desire. - 30452

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Tips On Buying The Perfect Bridal Dress For You

By Cherry Bell

The bride is the centre of attraction in a wedding ceremony, hence how she appears and how she has dressed up becomes very significant. To make you look picture perfect and draw the admiration of the invitees, the correct bridal dress has to be selected, and this must be done keeping some aspects in mind.

The most essential factor about choosing bridal wear is how trustworthy the shop is, as the store manager must ensure you of prompt delivery of the dress. A shop located in close proximity to your place must be chosen so that in case it does not fit you well, you can go to the shop with minimum loss of time.

A striking colour should be chosen for a wedding dress that will make you look even more beautiful. The right coloured dress must be chosen from an array of carefully selected samples. However, style and looks should not be overemphasized at the expense of comfort. A cosy yet nice dress will not only improve your attractiveness but also keep you in good spirits so that you can enjoy every moment of your wedding day.

When selecting the wedding dress, you should always remember how it will appear in the pictures. If you live in Singapore, you can easily contact a photographer who can suggest you the colours and shades that look good in pictures.

For this purpose, good Singapore wedding photographers can be located in almost all the important commercial centres. In fact, they can also be contacted online. Many wedding photography Singapore based businesses are well established in the area, but do take suggestions from your married friends and relatives before choosing one. The proficiency and expertise of the photographer are the ultimate aspects that will influence the quality of the output, so it is better to be safe by choosing the correct company than repent later by hiring the services of an unprofessional one. - 30452

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How An Organization Stands To Gain From Corporate Photography

By Gabriel Smith

Corporate photography occupies a significant place in any organization's operations as it serves several essential purposes. Good photographs help in effectively promoting the organization's goods or services in the media by their impactful presence in ads and organization brochures.

One of the corporate photographer's most important responsibilities is to present a progressive image of the organization before clients and shareholders by clicking the necessary pictures for its annual report. Such reports act as testimonials to the advancement that the firm has made in the last year. A company report embellished with colourful and lively photographs helps to a great extent in enhancing the company's image before the employees and potential customers.

Company brochures can be made more attractive by including vibrant and attractive photographs so that they make a positive impact on potential candidates, when distributed in job fairs or at universities. Brochures projecting a positive work environment at your company can portray it as an ideal destination for securing a good employment. A corporate photographer who is well-versed in the tricks of the profession can go a long way in making the correct impression on the aspirants.

In the same way, a proficient corporate photographer can immensely enhance the attractiveness of product brochures meant for customers. This can have a positive impact on sales, as it will motivate interested clients to enquire with the firm about its products or services.

A corporate photographer also records the milestones of a firm like a historian. He is always available at corporate events conducted by the organization to click images for future use. A great collection of company's achievements is recorded through these photographs. The collection of photos provides an opportunity for the younger generations to comprehend the unique history of the firm and in keeping its legacy alive.

Present day firms also run in-house periodicals for employees, which contain pictures and briefs of the organization's events. These photos help to reinforce ties of staff with their organization and make them more dedicated towards its welfare; thus, they also help in staff retention.

These are a few of the advantages that corporate photographers bring to a company. They operate behind the scenes but their great work is never overlooked. Their services are of great importance both for the firm's internal operations and for its stature in the market, and hence only an experienced professional should be picked for the task, who can satisfy all your corporate photography requirements. - 30452

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Tips on Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Photo Viewing

By Trina Rowde

Plastic surgery photo viewing of before-and-after shots will not only tell you about your surgeon's skills, it will also reveal much about the procedure itself. In most instances, people are either encouraged or discouraged with the procedure once they have seen these photos.

Always Ask for Photos

Nobody wants to undergo something which he or she does not know much about. A plastic surgery photo viewing session is one of the best ways for you to get a glimpse of a surgeon's sense of professionalism and skills and how you might just look like after surgery.

Have a look at several plastic surgery photos. Ask your surgeon to present a gallery and explain to you which plastic surgery photo is most likely reflective of your condition and goals. You might also want to log on to websites and scour the net for numerous other photos. This will help you compare your surgeon's work with that of others.

Assess Photo Quality

A good plastic surgeon would always have well shot plastic surgery photo galleries. Badly done photographs may be a sign that you may not have a very dedicated and meticulous surgeon. Make sure that you are viewing a high resolution plastic surgery photo gallery. Pictures however that appear too perfect are something to be wary of. Cosmetic plastic surgery cannot produce perfect results and you should be on your guard if all the pictures present fabulous looking models.

Look for Signs of Editing and Manipulation

Of course reputable and accredited surgeons do no more than cover a patient's identity during minor plastic surgery photo editing. None of the surgical details are masked. It is still a good idea however to have a discriminating eye. You might end up in the hands of the rare surgeon con artist who might resort to plastic surgery photo editing.

Check for inconsistencies in photo lighting and angles. Before photo editing software was invented, clever photographers used lighting and angles to change the look of the same object. Some surgeons may not have intentionally employed such a practice. Real lighting difficulties may truly have resulted in a picture that looks better than the actual result. Simply ask your doctor about what you see if you notice differences in lighting or angle in before and after pictures.

Do Not Rely On Pictures

Plastic surgery photo viewing can help you decide but it must not be your sole basis for deciding. You might be able to make a more informed decision if you requested for a computer assisted display of what you would look like after the procedure. You should also consider looking for real people you know such as friends and family and assess for yourself how much they have improved in their appearance.

The best basis is still to examine your doctor's accreditation and certification. Researching about a doctor's qualifications is the best way to ensure safety. - 30452

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3 Steps To Winning Baby Pictures

By Trisha Cornell

So you have a new infant who is super cute (aren't they all?) and you are thinking about entering your darling in a free photo contest? I've got to say, that sounds good to me.. It's fun, a great method to show off your cutie pie, and as an added advantage you can win some serious money too. Here are my three favorite poses (and they are simple too) to get very adorable baby pictures every time.

Pose #1

The first one I want you to try is to get charming pictures of baby while she is eating. This pose works well no matter what the baby is eating. Bottle poses come across as being lovable, while food all over the face poses come across as being a little more silly and cute. Either way it can work. These are actually one of the easiest poses to get. All you have to do is make sure that your camera is out and ready at dinner time..

Pose #2

Baby with fingers in mouth. This is actually a really easy pose to get, because your baby will routinely do this on his own.. It will also score big points in a baby picture for sheer cuteness.

One thing to remember when getting this type of image is to make sure that baby's hands are not covering her face. Another thing that will help to really add to the cuteness factor of this picture is to catch him smiling around his fingers. Delightful.

Pose #3 The great big personality pose. Every baby has appealing and distinctive things that they do. When you capture this with your camera, it's called the big personality pose. What you want to showcase here is your baby doing things that only he or she does. Whether it is giggling her head off, or making funny faces, or just running through the daisies..

There are two things to keep in mind when it comes to this type of pose. The best baby pictures (and the ones that win contests) are often the silly and happy photographs. - 30452

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Traits Of A Good Wedding Photographer

By Bernard K Monlier

Taking photos for a wedding can be a great opportunity, offering a good photographer the chance to capture some unique expressions and emotions on a really important day. Weddings are the biggest day of many couples' lives, and good photography is a great way to record the memories of that special day. However, there are a few challenges that every photographer will have to meet in order to take really effective pictures.

After all, there are no second chances when it comes to capturing those important wedding day moments. You can't have the wedding party in for retakes later on if the shots turn out badly! The wedding photographer you hire must be able to guarantee a successful shot on the big day, and should be ready to take those all important images.

That's why you have to make sure you're hiring an expert, with plenty of experience and skill in capturing those important moments. He or she should be open minded and understanding, and should value the experiences of your big day, rather than seeing it as "just another wedding". You need someone who knows what they're doing and understands why it's so important.

A good photographer will have the training to allow them to handle the intricate details and unique features of your wedding, regardless of the kind of ceremony that's being performed. He or she should be able to take the appropriate photographs for anything from the most traditional wedding to the most modern, plus civil ceremonies, religious ones, and theme weddings.

It's also important for your photographer to know that you have to be yourself in your wedding pictures. It's always better to choose a spontaneous type of portrait than a stiff and heavily posed one. Beware of photographers who spend all their time trying to get you to fit into their idea of what a couple should be like, or who don't want to work with you on what's really important.

The right wedding photography service for you will have the technology to create high quality photos with plenty of detail. Avoid people who keep on using outdated equipment and processes (with the exception of film photography experts, who are doing something quite different) and hire a photographer who knows how to use the equipment need to make beautiful pictures for your wedding.

The correct lighting, posing, and positioning are an important part of your wedding day photos. A photographer who knows what they're doing will produce images that will last for a long time, and remind you of your big day. One who doesn't have the skill and expertise required will end up making flat, bland images that don't help you treasure those memories - they just take up space in an album.

That's why it's so important to be sure that the photographer you hire has the skill, experience, equipment and attitude that will give you great wedding photography. Look for high quality customer service and a photographer who really understands what you need. That's the best way to get photos that provide an enduring way to enjoy your happy memories. - 30452

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Are You Unhappy At The Quality Of Your Holiday Photos?

By Peter Dawson

You know exactly what it's like. You've been on holidays and seen some great sights and been to some wonderful places. You've filled up cards with all your photos. But you've got home to view your photos and they are always disappointing. They just didn't capture it and they look dull and lifeless.

Nothing that you wanted to convey in your photos is there. The sunset that was so stunning is gone. That extra special light that made that view look so special is missing. And you got that special smile on your girlfriends face, except that when you look at the photo you didn't get that smile at all.

I don't mean simple mistakes like your thumb over the lens. After all you do know something about photography and you've bought a good quality digital camera. You've spent some time reading all about it and you've managed to get some confidence that your photography skills are on the up and you really ought to be taking good photos now.

But every time you look at your photos you're disappointed in the result and wonder why you aren't taking better photos. They just don't convey what you wanted them to convey.

Sometimes it may be just a little step from taking average, or poor, photos, to taking good photos. You don't need to spend years studying photography at College, you just need to learn some simple things that every professional photographer already knows.

Like simple stuff such as how to compose a photo properly, how to use light to it's best advantage. How to take people and pets. How to take landscapes, how to use a tripod or flash properly.

Modern cameras are excellent. They are manufactured to take good photos, but it isn't sufficient to just point and shoot as the ads seem to say. You still need to know some photography basics. There is no camera in the world that will take great photos guaranteed, every time, if all you do is to point and shoot.

I'm sure that if they could build one they would, but to date the technology doesn't exist to build a camera that will take great photos regardless of the skills of the person behind the lens. Even with the technology behind great digital cameras you still need to learn some basic photography skills to take good photos each time.

It's not that hard to learn, it takes a little practice, but if you enjoy your photography you'll love practicing. It's just a matter of learning some of the secrets of the pros, practicing them and applying them.

Then you'll go on holidays next time and you'll take great photos and never feel embarrassed about showing them to your friends. In fact you might even find your friends asking you for some good photography tips.

And you might even look at your holiday photos and find your girlfriend smiling.

I've got a book about how to take good photos, get it on my website. - 30452

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Are You Unhappy At The Quality Of Your Holiday Photos?

By Peter Dawson

You been there before. You go on holidays and take lots of photos of all those stunning sights and the wonderful places you went to. But you get home, you look at your photos and you're always disappointed. They look lifeless and dull and ordinary.

Nothing that you wanted to convey in your photos is there. The sunset that was so stunning is gone. That extra special light that made that view look so special is missing. And you got that special smile on your girlfriends face, except that when you look at the photo you didn't get that smile at all.

I don't mean simple mistakes like your thumb over the lens. After all you do know something about photography and you've bought a good quality digital camera. You've spent some time reading all about it and you've managed to get some confidence that your photography skills are on the up and you really ought to be taking good photos now.

But every time you look at your photos you're disappointed in the result and wonder why you aren't taking better photos. They just don't convey what you wanted them to convey.

Sometimes it may be just a little step from taking average, or poor, photos, to taking good photos. You don't need to spend years studying photography at College, you just need to learn some simple things that every professional photographer already knows.

Some simple stuff like how to compose a good photograph. How to make best use of light. How to take good photos of people, pets and the outdoors. How to use a tripod properly. How to make best use of your flash.

Clearly modern cameras are very good, but it isn't sufficient to rely just on that. Although they are good you still need to know how to take a good photo, the camera hasn't been made that you can just point and shoot and expect great photos every time. You need to put in some effort.

They would build the perfect point and shoot camera if they could, but to date you can't buy one. There's no way to take great photos without spending some time learning the basics of good photography.

It's not hard, you need to practice a little, but you enjoy photography so you'll enjoy practicing. You need to learn some of the secrets of the pros and apply them.

Then when you go on holidays next time you won't need to feel embarrassed about your average boring photos. You'll love showing them to your friends, they'll probably be asking you for tips on how to take good photos themselves.

And your girlfriend will be smiling, both in the photos, and when she sees them.

You can get a book on how to take good photos on my website. - 30452

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Panasonic Lumix ZS3 a Successful New Release

By Reina Mae Apaitan

For quite some time now, Panasonic has been known for its reputation for manufacturing excellent small pocket cameras. The Lumix ZS3, the latest model to be released by Panasonic, is no different. This camera may actually be one of the most impressive models that the company has released. One of the reasons for this is the format that Panasonic has used, based on the Lumix TZ1. This series has been very successful, so much so that Canon has even stepped up to the plate with the release of the SX100 and SX200. The Panasonic Lumix ZS3 has performed very well to date with consumers.

Consumers will find the Panasonic DMC-ZS3 offers a range of complimentary features. In some markets the camera is also known as the DMC-TZ7. One popular feature included on the camera is the 10.1 megapixel sensor. The camera also includes a 3" LCD along with a 12x zoom. The zoom makes it possible for the camera to become as small as 1.29", making it ideal to fit in a pocket. As a result, consumers can take this powerful little camera almost anywhere they desire to go.

The ZS3 is actually quite simple in spite of these features. You will not feel as though you must have the manual right in front of you in order to operate this camera. Even though it is simple; however, it also offers plenty of advanced features, including scene modes and movie making modes.

One thing you will not find on the Panasonic ZS3 is an optical viewfinder. Even so, the 3" LCD provides an ample 460,000 dots of resolution. This is more than is featured on many cameras, making it possible to achieve sharp images.

The camera also includes an 11-point multi-area present on the autofocus system. This can be utilized with the default focusing system. If you like the idea of choosing different modes, there are about six different modes to select from. Face Recognition and Face Detection are available on the camera, creating the possibility of having the camera actually recognize faces in different photos. The ZS3 also features autofocus tracking that includes the face detection system.

Options that are available on the camera include Face Detection and Face Recognition, making it possible for the camera to recognize and identify different people in photographs. Furthermore, the ZS3 also includes autofocus tracking within the face detection system as well.

The movie mode that is included in the new Panasonic ZS3 is one of the most talked about features. This mode gives consumers the ability to capture HD video at a whopping 60 frames per second. Furthermore, consumers can also capture video at 30 frames per second using the Motion JPEG.

SD/SDHC cards are used to store images with the Panasonic ZS3. Up to 45MB of internal memory can be used with this model. A standard USB 2.0 can also be used to connect the camera.

A lithium-ion battery provides power for the Lumix ZS3. This is enough to provide about 300 shots using CIPA standards.

Out of the box the Lumix ZS3 comes with a fairly good amount of items, including a battery charger, USB cable, wrist strap, A/V cable, manual and CD-ROM with PhotoFunStudio. Of course, there is also a variety of accessories that can be purchased to go along with the Lumix ZS3, but if you will likely find that just getting started, this camera has everything you need to start snapping photos right away.

If you are interested in finding a high quality camera that you can take practically anywhere with no concerns about complicated features, the Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS3 is an option to consider. The range of features, simple interface and the reliable reputation of Panasonic all recommend this model. - 30452

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Five Amazing Ways To Make Your Pre-Wedding Photography Shine

By Randolph Quan

He just proposed, and she's as giddy as a schoolgirl. That happiness will radiate for weeks - or at least until the stress of planning a wedding takes hold! Capture those feelings with pre-wedding photography (also known as engagement photography).

In order to get a timeless, beautiful look for your pre-wedding photography, follow five tips that will ensure the focus is on you, the newly engaged couple, and not your clothes or the background.

1. Dress in classic styles that you're comfortable in. If you're normally a dressy gal, then go ahead and buy a special new dress or skirt for the occasion. If you're a jeans and T-shirt person, though, don't try to dress up just to dress up. The discomfort will show on your face, so stick to jeans (clean!) and a dressier top. A simple outfit in a solid color is your best bet, and make sure your significant other is wearing a color that complements yours.

2. Don't dress in up-to-the minute trends. While you think it looks great now, in about 20 years, you'll feel the same way as you do now when you view '80s photos. In other words, it dates the photo and makes it more about the fashion than the couple. Along the same lines, take off your eyeglasses for the photos, if possible. They are one of the easiest ways to tell in what era a photograph was taken.

3. When posing for the camera, smile with your whole face. What that means is to let that smile radiate through your face into your eyes. Don't be afraid to smile with your mouth open a bit or even laugh during the photo shoot. This brings a twinkle into your eyes and shows how truly happy you two are.

4. Push your face toward the camera when posing for a photo. To make this easier, pretend you're a turtle and crane out neck out your shell toward the camera. This shouldn't be forced, just a slight push forward to reduce double chins (not that we're suggesting you have one!) and tighten facial skin. It might feel a little strange to you, but the camera won't be able to capture your contortion - just the effect it has on your appearance.

5. Go for a fun and relaxed look. Posed photos are boring! You can hardly romp around in your wedding dress, so this is the time for you to get some shots of you and your fiancee having fun! Roll around on the ground, climb a few trees, play on the stairwell - the overall result of your pre-wedding photography will be much more charming. - 30452

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How To Choose The best Baby Frame

By Benedict Perez

Baby frame is indeed one of the most if not the most common gift item for almost all occasions. Be it a baby shower, baptism, first birthday of even Christmas, you will always see this particular kind of frame in gifts for those occasions. Now that this stuff is becoming popular, it has certainly acquired a big chunk in the market of its genre. Because of this, it is no longer hard for you to find it whenever you need it wherever you may be.

But you have prepared some sort of parameters for which you shall base your choice for the perfect piece then this will surely keep you on the right track in dealing with the task. So, it is therefore important for you to know exactly what type of baby frame you shall need to have. Being unfolded with the wide array of choices for baby fame will definitely give one the confusion of having to choose the best of its kind.

First you need to identity the gender of the baby whose photos will be displayed on the frame. This should be taken into account for the design and color must truly match with the picture that shall be flaunted on this kind of frame.

After having identified the gender of the baby whose pictures shall be displayed on the baby frame, you should try to learn taste and personal preference of the parents of that baby. It should be taken into consideration especially if you shall have that frame as gift to them. If it jives with their preference and taste then for sure your present will truly be appreciated. Having to decide on the type of baby frame you need to have also involves a lot of factors to consider.

You should make sure to get your money's worth by having only one that is of good quality to serve its purpose well. But you should never forget that each of these attributed should not be more than enough to compromise each other. Above all these, the price and quality of this frame should be your topmost priority to consider in choosing frame of this kind. These are just a few of the many things you need to ponder on when you need to choose only the best baby frame. - 30452

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Preparing A Photographer For Your Wedding Day

By Franz Patel

Arranging your wedding can be a stressful task, and selecting the perfect wedding photographer is key to its success. You should look at a variety of photographers and select the one whose style and techniques you think will work best with your own.

1. Carefully Study Their Photos

When it comes to picking a wedding photographer, the main thing is what kind of pictures they take! Are the photos likeable: when looking at their work, be honest. What is your opinion of the layout, design, and construction of the album? Are all of the photos focused with colors clear and bright?

2. Look into the business.

Request the name of the photographer who is taking pictures at your wedding (since larger studios have several photographers), and check their portfolio. Another alternative is a photographer who is not as big in the business. Typically, you know who to expect, and you're familiar with their work from their display photographs, and the quality of their service might be better when you work with a single person.

(3) Planning Your Photographic Requirements.

When you choose your professional wedding photographer, you should talk to them and plan how you want wedding to be photographed and what photos you want taken. It's best when you do some planning because you will be more comfortable and less stressed on the big day. The photography will look more natural and you can schedule things but still have time to get everything done like a nicely paced photo shoot in the most flattering light.

When you meet with the photographer to discuss your day, you will need to make a decision about the number of photos desired. You and the photographer will break the wedding day into 4 stages for photos: pre-wedding, the actual ceremony, any organized or location shots, and last but not least, the reception.

After you have selected your photographer for the wedding, you can simply enjoy all the day has to offer. - 30452

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5 Wedding Photography Trends For A Stylish Album

By Randolph Quan

For a stunning memories of your nuptials, consider these five wedding photography trends:

Photojournalism/reportage photography. We've covered this pretty thoroughly, but in case you need a refresher course, photojournalism or reportage photography follows the journalistic approach of documenting the wedding as if it were a feature story.

Strict photojournalists won't dare to pose or stage any pictures, preferring instead to capture the moments as they happen. Most frequently these days, you'll run across reportage wedding photographers who combine photojournalistic and traditional wedding photography to form a sort of hybrid of the two.

Fashion or fine-art shots. This wedding photography trend is all about the glamour. Look at the photo shoots you see in high-end fashion magazines, and picture yourself as the model. This is all about the lighting, the posing, and naturally, the clothes. Fashion or fine-art shots can give a couple a spectacular wedding album.

Unique posing. While wedding photography trends are moving away a bit from posing, it's also shifting to a different type of posing where the shot is staged, but in an unexpected way. An example would be posing the groom sitting in a pew at the front of the church, then staging his groomsmen sitting in various pews behind him.

Boudoir photography. Done before the wedding, this is a special type of photography for both the bride and groom. It focuses on showing off the bride's beauty as a special gift to the groom - but don't think it's X-rated. Instead, it gives glimpses of the bride's sexiness without revealing it all. Think pin-up girl, not Playboy model.

Trash-the-dress photography. Shot after the wedding, trash-the-dress is a wedding photography trend that bids farewell to the bride's wedding dress by getting down and dirty. Sometimes this photo shoot features the couple, sometimes only the bride, depending on what type of photos they want. If you want to save your dress for your daughter or can't fathom ruining something that may have cost you thousands of dollars, this wedding photography trend is not for you! - 30452

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Planning Your Wedding In Canada.

By Randolph Quan

For those planning their big day in Canada, there are plenty of web sites devoted to aiding brides in accomplishing her dream. After searching endlessly through Google for the best web sites for planning a wedding in Canada, this is what we turned up with. Read further to discover why we think these are the top 4 Canadian wedding sites:

1. Although this Web site does have United State and United Kingdom branches, it has a special section devoted just to Canada. This colorful pink and green site has listings of local wedding vendors broken up into 34 categories, plus a few articles on a revolving carousel at the top of the page. This site scores major points for aesthetics and its user-friendly navigation.

2. is definitely the ultimate in wedding vendor listings. In fact, with more than 9,000 listings in every category you could imagine, you'd be hard-pressed NOT to find exactly what you're looking for. Making it even easier, it breaks the listings down into territory, so you don't have to search through Alberta listings if you're in Ontario. What this site could do, though, is take a page from team wedding on aesthetics - since it's JUST listings, it doesn't make you want to sit and browse as much.

3. looks to be very ad-driven, as the advertisements line either side of the page. What it does boast, though, is a forum that couples can use to bounce ideas and tips off other brides and grooms. And who couldn't use some frugal tips in this billion-dollar industry? The website also has a bride's day planner and, much more rare, a groom's day planner. Send your fiance to this site, and he won't be able to claim he doesn't know what to do next anymore.

4. might take the top prize for Canadian wedding planning websites. Not only is it beautiful to look and user-friendly, it goes above and beyond in wedding tools. With just a few clicks, helps you create a budget, a planner, a guest list, a wedding website or an idea notebook. It also showcases real weddings in Canada, so you can browse what other brides did and how it looked in reality. - 30452

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Creative DIY Wedding Invitations

By Randolph Quan

The wedding invitation is the first thing a guest sees in relation to your wedding (other than a save-the-date, if you sent it), so you want to make it good. The way to make it good is to make it memorable by crafting your own creative DIY invitations. A creative DIY invitation doesn't mean the invitation has to be in some cut-out shape, like a heart or a tree, or in primary colors (unless your wedding colors happen to fall in that spectrum). You can make a wedding invitation creative by just personalizing it a little bit.

Start off by personalizing the images that will appear on your invitation. Including a photo of the happy couple is a good way to start. Typically your engagement photo appears on the save-the-date notices, but if you had two excellent photos from the session or if you didn't send save-the-dates, include a new photo on your DIY invitations.

You can also get creative with your DIY wedding invitations through the wording on the invitations. While there's standard phrasing depending on who's hosting your wedding - and you might want to stick close to that to make sure no one's feelings get hurt - there are a lot of other ways you can add text to personalize a DIY invitation. For example, add a romantic quote from your favorite song on the front of your folded wedding invitation. Some quotes I particularly like are:

- "With this ring, I give my all to you." - Clyde Otis and Vincent Corso, "With This Ring" - "How wonderful life is now you're in the world." - Elton John, "your song" - "You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be." - Goo Goo Dolls, "Iris" - "Come away with me, and I'll never stop loving you." - Norah Jones, "Come Away with Me"

The best choice might be to pick a lyric from "your" song. It's especially nice if it happens to be your first dance song. If you're not particularly musical, but like the idea of special text on your invitations, try a romantic quote instead. Something like this:

"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." --Aristotle "Your words are my food, your breath my wine. You are everything to me." --Sarah Bernhardt "I love her and that's the beginning of everything." --F. Scott Fitzgerald "To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven." --Karen Sunde - 30452

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Understanding The Facts: Five Wedding Traditions Explained

By Randolph Quan

Why wear your ring on your left hand? Why something old, new, borrowed and blue? Wedding traditions from across the globe don't make a whole lot of sense for the uninformed. Lucky for you, we've got a list of wedding traditions unveiled, so you can explain your less-knowledgeable aunt why people are throwing rice as you leave the church (or blowing bubbles, for those concerned about birds).

The ring finger: Engagement and wedding rings are typically worn on the left hand because that finger was once thought to contain the "vein of love," a vein that led directly to the heart. But did you know that in some countries, such as Spain, Germany, Greece and Russia, couples wear their wedding rings on their right hand?

Something old: You know the saying. But what does it mean? Let's break it down: In wearing something old, the bride symbols continuity from the past. Something new symbolizes the birth of the marriage.

A bride should wear something borrowed from a woman in a happy marriage in hopes that the happiness will rub off on her, and then something blue because it symbolizes purity, fidelity and love. In some countries, including England, a sixpence is stuck in the bride's shoe because it is said to bring luck to the couple.

Throwing rice: Rice symbolizes wealth and fertility. By throwing it at the newly married, the guests are showing their hopes of an abundance of blessings. Most people blow bubbles these days as to not hurt any wild animals (and less cleanup).

Why light a candle? A unity candle is often lit by either the bride and the groom or two members from their family, symbolizing the joining of the two families as one. Sometimes couples choose to instead have a sand ceremony, where they pour two different vials of sand into one container.

Tie the knot? This strange synonym for getting married is derived from the cultures of the world, including Hindu and Egyptian, that literally tie the hands of the bride and groom together to symbolize the binding marriage. - 30452

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How To Find Wedding Jewellery Sets Online

By Randolph Quan

For a sparkly addition to your wedding attire, turn to the world wide web. Online, you can find beautiful wedding jewellery sets for cheaper than you might find in stores - and it's shipped right to your door. Try these web sites:

At, you'll find a wide selection of tiaras, necklaces, earrings, wedding jewellery sets, purses and fascinators. The prices are a real bargain, too. Tiaras start at 14 pounds, fascinators at 14 pounds and full wedding jewelry sets at 29 pounds. Shipping is cheap, as well, with 3-5 day shipping costing only 2.99. For those outside London, you can visit the brick-and-mortar shop in Cambridgeshire.

If you thought that web site had great prices, check out, where the top seller is a Pair of Single Austian Crystal Hair pins for only 2.50. Bridal Gem cuts down on costs by importing directly from manufacturers all over the world, effectively cutting out the middle-man.

For a gorgeous pearl wedding jewellery set, visit These pearl sets are directly from Chinese cultured pearl farms, and feature mainly freshwater and akoy pearl jewelry. The site also sells other types of jewellery and gifts.

Imagine how much your bridesmaids would appreciate a gift of a beautiful freshwater pearl necklace around their neck on your wedding day? The site conveniently breaks up categories into types of jewellery on the left side and by price point on the right side. It makes searching within a budget very easy. And, hey, if you happen to be in China, stop in their showroom in Guangzhou City.

For the bride who wants to be a princess for a day, there's no better place than All the jewellery for the web site is handmade in its workshop in France. This workmanship makes each piece unique, leading to their claim that the web site's jewellery is of the finest quality. The prices may be a little higher on this site, as reflected by the fact that prices aren't even listed along with pictures and descriptions. But for someone wanting a very special wedding jewellery set, this might just be the right place. - 30452

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What Women Look for in Maternity Clothes

By Adriana Noton

The pregnancy experience is one of wide ranging emotions and physical changes. Because pregnancy is full of so many physical changes, expectant mothers look for clothing that meets their personal needs. It can be stressful to find the right maternity clothing, as there are specific features women look for when selecting their clothing for the entire pregnancy period.

When a woman is pregnant, she experiences a wide of emotions that can include sadness, depression, low self-esteem, feeling overweight, and feeling unattractive. Hormonal changes can be the cause of many of these pregnancy symptoms. Expectant mothers are normally recommended to engage in activities that will reduce these symptoms. When women realize they will have to wear maternity clothing for the entire pregnancy, they will look for clothing that makes them feel attractive and poses for a maternity photographer. Trendy, stylish, and chic maternity clothing is important for a woman as these clothes will help her feel attractive. Expectant mothers will look for clothing in a variety of colors, designs, and patterns. They will look for clothing that is comparable to the trends of regular clothing. Fortunately, there are many maternity clothing lines produced by brand name companies which are designed to make a woman look good. They are available in a wide range of styles such as long flowing dresses, short dresses, chic maternity tops, trendy swimwear, and stylish maternity pants. There is fashionable maternity clothing to meet every pregnant woman's personal preference.

With the physical changes that come with pregnancy, women will experience such changes as an increase in weight, swollen areas of the body such as the ankles, larger breasts, and an expanding abdomen. Because women tend to be frugal, they look for maternity clothing that is durable and can last through all or most of the pregnancy. There are now a variety of maternity lines that understand that comfortable clothing is essential for an expectant mother. Maternity clothing includes pants with elastic stretchable waistbands, including jeans. These pants are designed to expand as a woman's belly gets bigger. They are strong and durable so the waistband stays intact.

As well, maternity dresses are designed to flow naturally over a woman's belly. The same comfort features included in maternity dresses are included in the maternity tops. They are both designed to make a woman comfortable no matter what type of activity she is engaged in, whether sitting, lying down, or walking. The maternity pants, tops, and dresses all contain material designed to be a comfortable fit and make the pregnancy less stressful.

Another feature that expectant mothers look for when choosing maternity clothing is affordability. Fortunately, there are a number of online maternity clothing stores and traditional clothing stores that offer a wide range of maternity clothing at affordable prices. One can often find great discounts and special sales on the clothing.

Expectant mothers do not want to spend the entire pregnancy period in unattractive and uncomfortable clothing. Fortunately, maternity clothing retailers understand the needs of expectant mothers and have created chic, trendy, comfortable, and inexpensive clothing. Maternity clothing not only makes a woman comfortable, but also look great. A joyous pregnancy will only enhance the day your baby enters the world. - 30452

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Let A Port Elizabeth Photographer Bring Out The Beauty In Your Vacation

By James Trench

If your planning on visiting Port Elizabeth you are going to want to remember your visit their forever by hiring a Port Elizabeth photographer. There are a plethora of people that visit this Port throughout the year. Although, the majority of the reason is for recreation.

The Port has so many great things to do and see its the perfect vacation for your family, or an exotic place to just go to in order to get away for a little while. People can even have the opportunity to have their weddings performed at the Port.

Sometimes there are things in this life that just need the assistance of a professional in order to trap the true beauty of the entire thing. This is where a Port Elizabeth photographer comes into play. You can frolic around the Port and do as you may and have splendid professional photos to take home with you.

One of the main reasons why people hire a Port Elizabeth photographer is to take pictures at their weddings. The native photographers have a better idea of the landscape of the land and they know where you can obtain some amazing photo shots for your wedding that will take your breath away.

If there is a special event going on, no one wants to be taking their own pictures. You want to be able to capture the moment in professional pictures that you can later go on and show your grandchildren.

Professional is always better. Family and friends love to see vacation photos so give them something that will completely blow their mind with these professional pictures that you can have taken. Screens do not have to be used a lot with these photographers they live in the lap of beauty.

The photographers simply adore taking family photos as well. What better thing to have your child bring to show and tell at school than a picture of her family in one of the most exciting places in the world? - 30452

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Uncover The Secrets Of A Successful Event Photography

By Willie Cooper

Event photography, these days is an attractive profession. An event photographer is one who attends marriages, sports events, music performances, award ceremonies etc. to take photos of the occasion.

People normally believe that all that is required to become an event photographer is to bring a camera and keep clicking photographs during the event. But, the truth is actually the opposite. To become an expert event photographer one needs to develop certain skills demanded by the job, which can be obtained and improved by taking up specialised courses on the subject.

From the outside you may think that as the photographer runs around just snapping that there is no process in their photography. At an event there is an aim in place that must be met. Obtaining a large spread of great high quality photographs requires skill and an extraordinary eye. Being quick off the mark is a must to capture all those unexpected shots.

Having an imaginative trait is elementary for an event photographer and he should be able to adapt to the tone of the occasion. As an example, the method for wedding photography has to be entirely different from corporate photography. Therefore, the photographer should have a knack of capturing the mood of an event in his pictures.

Event photography also calls for proper handling of various issues that may arise during the event. Carelessness and apathy won't make you successful in this profession. The photographer should be ready with his equipment and camera much before the start of the event. A habit of lazing around or doing things at the last moment will not take you anywhere in this job.

It goes without saying that an event photographer must know his art inside out. A thorough know-how of the photography equipment goes a long way in getting high quality photographs. He requires to know about the appropriate use of illumination and angles and he should be able to make use of the available resources to the maximum.

In a nutshell, event photography demands the practitioner's dedication along with his interest for grasping different aspects of the trade. To make sure that you do well in this profession, the attributes of being always alert and flexible in your approach are vital. - 30452

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Designing A DIY Wedding Invite: What Not To Do

By Randolph Quan

We've discussed how to print your own wedding invitations, we've talked about how to design DIY invites, but in all this DIY talk, we need to discuss something important: What NOT to do. For just a piece of paper, wedding invitations are important. They're your guests' roadmap to your invitation - the style, the formality, the directions - and you need to treat them as such, even if you happen to design a DIY invite.

1. Don't use your own handwriting unless you've taken calligraphy lessons. Saving money is great, but running invitations and envelopes through the printer is a better idea. Even if you have the most beautiful handwriting in the world, there's a good chance one of your guests won't be able to read it.

2. Don't cut out cardstock using just your hands and scissors. It's nearly impossible to cut a straight line, which is vital for making your DIY invites look like they were done by pros. Invest in a $20 straight cutter, which you can find at any local craft store.

3. Don't forget to proofread! This can't be stressed enough - spell-check, grammar check, then have someone else with great English skills look over the invitations. One of the most embarrassing things you can do is send out a DIY invite with a glaring spelling error. It's even worse if that spelling error happens to be the name of your future in-laws.

4. Don't forget to give yourself enough time. By waiting until the last minute to create your DIY invites, you not only risk them not getting to your guests on time, but you'll also create sloppy work. You need a lot of time to create homemade, beautiful wedding invitations, so don't cut corners.

5. Don't include registry information. It's just tacky.

7. Don't use abbreviations. It's so much more elegant to spell out "Saturday, the first of October, two thousand nine."

8. Don't just look at designs on the computer, print them out. You don't know how something really look until you see it on paper in the right lighting.

9. Don't design the invitation before you know you have the envelopes to send them. By creating a quirky-shaped design before you know you have the envelopes to send them in, you're basically shooting yourself in the foot. Buy envelopes first, then design the invitation. 10. Don't bite off more than you can chew. Take a good look at yourself, your free time and your design skills. Are all of them conducive to you design a DIY invite? Be realistic, and don't be ashamed to outsource part or all of the work to a professional. - 30452

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Photography and Camera Terms Explained Part One

By Tobias Sterling

For many beginning and amateur photographers, the mountains of technical terminology can be highly frustrating. Below are just a few of these terms defined in a clear, easy to understand language.


The general definition of ISO is the "International Standards Organization," but that doesn't concern us. The meaning we are looking for refers to the sensitivity to light on the sensor of a digital camera. Typically the values range from an ISO 50 to an ISO 3200 and higher, with it doubling as it goes up. A low ISO means it is harder to take pictures in low light as the sensor is less sensitive to light. This does however create a quality photo, but makes it difficult to take pictures in low light. A high ISO value means it is easier to take low light photos; however the photos are subject to 'digital noise." This refers to random specks of color showing in the photo, mostly in the dark areas. It also comprises how large the photo can be viewed or printed and still retains good quality.

It is important to note that most digital cameras will automatically choose the ISO. If sufficient light is present, it will most often choose a low ISO value.

Zoom Range

This refers to how wide and zoomed in you can take a photo. Most often, cameras are set to default to the widest setting as soon as the camera is turned on. To change this, you can simply use the controls to zoom in on something small or far away in order to fill the cameras frame.

Zoom range is quoted either in 35mm terms (i.e. 35-175mm), or in a multiple (i.e. 5x), where the widest settings times the multiple is the longest setting (for example, 5 x 35 = 155).

Most common cameras come in the range of 28-35mm and will zoom from 4x to 5x. If it is possible, select a camera with the widest available range in zoom. The reason for this is that it is much easier to take photos indoors where there is generally insufficient space to back up to get everything you want in your photo.


Just like the display on your computer monitor, a picture is made up of many different dots. So the term 'megapixel' refers to a million of these dots. It is said that the higher the megapixels, the higher quality photo.

When people talk about a camera with a certain number of megapixels, this refers to the maximum number of pixels that a photo taken with this camera can contain. A higher megapixel camera will allow the user to take photos comprised of more pixels than a lower megapixel camera.

Photos comprised of more pixels are finer grained than those with less, and this means that they can be printed or viewed at larger sizes and from closer distances with no noticeable drop in quality. This makes high megapixel cameras useful, but be aware that a 6 megapixel camera would be more than sufficient for 99% of casual users. Camera manufacturers will try to make you believe that you need more, but this just isnt the case unless you want to make really large enlargements. - 30452

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Planning A Successful Destination Wedding

By Randolph Quan

Dying to tie the knot on a tropical beach? A destination wedding offers a backdrop for your nuptials that many domestic locales can't match. With that beauty, though, comes a unique set of challenges. Here are five important tips for getting started planning your perfect destination wedding.

Start by choosing a location. You might have the exact location in mind already, but some people need to weigh the pros and cons of various places. Keep in mind that a destination wedding doesn't have to mean international -- anywhere more than a two-hour drive can be considered destination for those who stay close to home. Your budget is likely to be one of the largest determining factors, as a wedding in Australia will be significantly most expensive (for both you and your guests) than one in France.

Discuss things over with friends and family. A destination wedding is likely to cut down your guest list as it's just not realistic for many to travel the distance. Make sure those who are vital to your happiness - your parents, siblings, bridal party and others - can make it, and then you can start firming up your guest list and looking at particular venues.

Get to know the wedding coordinator. He or she will be your best friend. The better you know them, the less likely they'll delete your 48th email of the day asking if white calla lilies are native to their country.

Get to know the laws, both in your destination and at home. For most out-of-country weddings, you have to make it legal when you return from your wedding-moon. Some countries have residency restrictions - for example, you can't get married in the Caribbean's St. Martaan without residing there for 10 days.

Plan for after the wedding. Not only do you need to decide if you're going to stay and party with your family and friends or whisk away to another location for your honeymoon, you also need to plan for what to do with all those wonderful gifts you receive. Make sure your guests have the option of sending gifts straight to your home residence. - 30452

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Scanning for a Slideshow Project

By Pete Fontaine

Everyone has that big box of photos in the back of the closet that's worth a million and at the same time next to nothing. If you can't share your photos easily then what good are they? You'll be surprised to find out that it's simple and inexpensive to turn your deteriorating images into an enjoyable work of art. There are photo scanning services that can digitize your photos for as little as a nickel apiece. And don't try this yourself! Photo scanning at home is heart stoppingly boring!

You can build your own slideshow by purchasing software. My favorite is Pro Show Gold by Photodex. This software is relatively simple to use and has lots of features that make the project fun. You just add your photos to the program, then drag them into the order you want. With Pro Show Gold you can edit your photos and color correct, add your own music and then synchronize it to the photos. You can add text to the photo in the location you choose and use the "Ken Burns" effect to zoom from place to place on your images. With Pro Show Gold you can play your slideshow on TV. You'll be amazed at how good your 4x6 photos look on a 50" TV.

Free slideshow software is everywhere on the web. A quick search will yield tons of opportunities to create slideshows to share with friends, or to upload to your social networking site. Take a little time to investigate the features, and always download from a trusted site. Though most free software will not allow you to show the end product on a TV, they often include the ability to include music and do limited photo editing. Check out Google's Picassa 3, Extra Photo Slideshow Free, and Wildbit software.

You may want to think about placing your slideshow in a digital picture frame. Prices have come down on digital picture frames with some 14" frames selling for as little as $99. Some of the smaller frames now go for under $25. We expect this trend to continue. With memory card prices also hitting new lows you can afford to put your entire digital photo library on them. Lots of digital frames come with slideshow software installed, and some will play audio. So when your friends come over you can crawl into the back of that closet to dig out the box of gradually fading photos, or you can flip on that beautiful digital picture frame.

Look at some of the online slideshow hosting services. These can help keep friends and family from needing to download and store your slideshows. Sites like Picturetrail and Iwebphoto can make viewing your slideshow easier, especially if you have a lot of images, and allow you to edit, remove, and replace your items at will. Remember to add text to your images to help everyone understand what they are. And then go crazy with special effects. Have fun!

You should remember a few important things when you hire a photo scanning service. Don't pay to scan photos at higher than 300 dpi. If you're scanning service provides an automatic photo enhancement service it might be wise to use it. Make sure that any time you enhance, rotate, or manipulate your photos that you use a copy of your master scans. Always keep a master copy of each photo scan. Photo scanning services can vary greatly in price so shop wisely.

Scanning photographs permanently protects them from destruction and loss. Once your images are stored on a DVD and sent to two or three different places you are assured of always being able to retrieve at least one copy. You can generate copies on your computer for the price of a blank DVD to share with your friends and family. Day to day loss of quality is no longer an issue. Your treasured memories are safe and sound. - 30452

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Puerto Rico Scenic Photography

By Nicole Watts

The fascination for the landscape photography has always been exciting for nature lovers. Waiting for one of the best shots of the amazing beauty of nature is really challenging. There are many destinations in the world where the photography lovers love to be present. One such place is the small but beautiful country called Puerto Rico. I can assure you that this place has enormous potential to give you some of the best photo shots that you have always wanted.

Puerto Rico is the second smallest city of the western hemisphere and also the smallest island of the Greater Antilles. The 17th century castles and the white sandy beaches are the magnificent belongings of the place. "Boriken" that symbolizes "The land of the Proud Lord" is the right name for this beautiful destination as for an adventurous soul this "Enchanted Island" has a lot to offer.

Besides its beautiful beaches, the place also offers fresh rainforest and uncharted desert islands. For a photographer it is truly a glory. All the ingredients required for creating magnificent clicks are here to be served with its enormous diversity. Giving you a tip of not letting the climate to come your way in capturing one of the most beautiful views in the rain forest is undeniably not a bad idea!

Facing wide vistas on a panorama mode on its gorgeous beaches is surely exciting. The dense shrubbery of EI Yunque and appealing Gujataca tropical forests are tempting view points. The Rio Camuy Caves, the beautiful mountainous geography, the Corals, the Karst and much more is here to be felt and saved in your camera. Finally it is all about your curiosity to explore the enormous beauty spread all over this place and capture it through your beloved camera.

This small beautiful paradise with its blue green water and wide stretched beaches can rejuvenate your energies by offering wide opportunities to be clicked and printed. I can surely bet that you will love to travel around this place and spend months without getting bored. I would like to recommend few of the alluring islands like Isla Mona, Isla de Vieques en Isla de Culbra, Isla de Roque and Isla Verde. These are worth places where you can realize the right shots that you have always wanted!

I am sure that Puerto Rico is going to be your next destination for your favorite activity. Have a great experience of landscape photography! - 30452

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